On call for all your yacht administration requirements

Our Aim

With our knowledge and expertise of the yachting industry, and the understanding of the administration required on board a yacht, we wanted to create a company where yacht captains, owners and crew can depend on us to take over the administration aspects of a yacht when needed or required.

To alleviate captains or pursers on their vacation time, assist heads of department so they have more time for their teams, or trust us to assist with the purser role full time.

Giving yachts more time to ensure guest satisfaction is at its very best, and in some cases save the yacht a substantial amount of salary costs.

Always flexible to suit each yacht's needs, we have the time to figure out more cost effective solutions and processes than you would on board. We are here to protect the yacht's privacy, along with crew hours of rest, and adhering to the regulations of MLC. Let us help you shine on board to ensure amazing guest satisfaction, always.
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Address unspoken issues with solutions

Progression in Technology

We have watched the industry change dramatically over the years, with technology progressing and aiding how yachts are run more and more; with this factor, its only natural that the purser role is taken virtually.

This might seem like a daunting transition to make if the yacht has a purser on board already, although once the systems are implemented and put in place, along with the beauty of technology, SSP can manage all the yachts administration, working alongside the captain and heads of department to ensure everything runs quickly, efficiently at an above 5 star service.

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Mental Health in the yachting industry

Anyone who has experienced working in the yachting industry, the long days, isolation, working alongside many different personalities, being away from home, the tiredness, stress of the actual job and the lack of personal time and space, can all have an effect on a crewmember's mental health and wellbeing.

Due to the shift in attitude and awareness towards mental health over the past 5 years especially, the yachting industry is starting to take notice of how crew’s mental health is a highly important factor to ensure crew are taken care of and looked after.

Here at SSP, we embrace the change of attitude towards mental health in the yachting industry and are here to alleviate unnecessary stress from captains, heads of department and crew.

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Guest experience

Guest experience is one of the most important aspects of every crew-member's role on board. Time is of the essence, you have to think quickly, on your feet at times and always have a perfect smile on your face.

Here at SSP, we can create added time for you on board, so you have more time to cater to your guests.

We also have more time to manage things appropriately shore based so things that would be rushed to get completed will be carried out with care and diligence.

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